Cultural Opportunities and British Values

Our children are given opportunities to enhance their cultural opportunities through our PSHE lessons, assemblies and class worship as well as in lessons.

The UNICEF rights that we consider in addition to our Christian values encourage our children to think about their rights as well as those of others. Incorporated into these and our PSHE lessons are the British Values that we encourage our children to consider and act upon.

These values are:

The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect


Tolerance of different cultures and religions.


Classes also take part in P4C and PSHE sessions where they are encouraged to think philosophically, looking at the big questions of life, and considering that there may be many viewpoints to a question.

Examples of these include:

  • Can you only have one best friend?
  • Which is more important- a job that pays lots of money or a job that helps people?
  • Should everyone be paid the same?

We take every opportunity to enhance our children's cultural opportunities with visitors to school, educational trips and online activities.

Children are also given the opportunity to graduate from the Children's University where they are given credit for extra curricular activites. This links in with our Sports and Pupil Premium offer.


C.E. Primary School

Hough Green Road, Widnes, WA8 4PG